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"And when the Lord gave me some brothers, no one showed me what I ought to do, but the Most High Himself revealed to me that I should live according to the form of the holy Gospel...  And those who came to take this life upon themselves gave to the poor all that they might have and they were content with one tunic, patched within and without ... with a cord and breeches, and we wished for no more."


The Testament of St. Francis



Ambrose Cristobal SSF

Brother Ambrose made life profession in 2017.  He lives and works at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul in Los Angeles.  He assists with bookkeeping, and in the retreat center of the Diocese of Los Angeles where he is sexton in residence.  He is also engaged in the ministry of St. Mary’s, Mariposa, and is active in Asian-American ministries and interfaith dialogue.  


Antonio SSF

A priest from the diocese of Tokyo, Antonio made his first profession in 1975 in Europe and transferred to the Province of the Americas in 1981. He has served in San Francisco, Long Island, and Sao Paulo, Brazil.  He now lives in Los Angeles where he is active at All Saints' Church and is a frequent volunteer at Little Tokyo Service Center, and Keiro Senior Health Care Center.


Clark Berge SSF

Brother Clark Berge is currently on three year "loan" to the European Province, where he is serving as Guardian at Hillfield Friary in Dorset, England. He was professed in 1993, and recently completed ten years of service for the Society worldwide as Minister General.  He is a member of the Board of Directors for Franciscans International, an avid runner, and author of two books.


Desmond Alban SSF

Des joined SSF in the European Province in 1993 and came to America in 2016. He previously served as Novice Guardian and as Provincial Secretary in Europe.   He was a member of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York’s College of Evangelists. He enjoys music, particularly liturgical singing, and occasionally writes hymns or poems.


Leo Anthony SSF

 A Canadian from St. John, New Brunswick Leo joined SSF in 1972 in Brisbane, Australia. He has lived as a Brother in Australia, New Zealand, the UK.  Leo came to the Province of the Americas in 2005 and lived at our former houses in Port Jefferson, NY and Berkeley, CA prior to coming to his present home in San Francisco.


Robert Hugh SSF

Ordained in the Church of England, Robert joined SSF in1964. He often reminds us that he came to the US in 1967 for a 'short-term exchange visit of a year or so!'  He served as Novice Guardian and Minister Provincial, and in a teaching and retreat ministry throughout the US and beyond.  He has been more than 50 years in Profession  and 60 years as a priest.


Thomas SSF

A native Californian, Thomas came to us in 2016.  He is a writer, artist, and spiritual director. He has extensive experience in youth ministry and international missions. He is currently living in Poughkeepsie, NY, while he completes training as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of NYC.


Provincial Leadership Team

The Province of the Americas is currently using a leadership by the whole model. A steering committee of three brothers manages day to day functions.


Christopher John SSF

Minister General

Christopher John was elected Minister General for SSF in 2017.  As Minister General, he has leadership responsibilities for the First Order Brothers worldwide.  Christopher John hails from New Zealand, and lives in Australia when he's not traveling the world.  The Minister General is elected for a term of six years, and may be re-elected for an additional four years.


Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick

Bishop Protector

Bishop Robert has served as Diocesan of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii since 2007.  He was elected Protector for the Province of the Americas in 2017.  As Protector, he serves as a consultant to the Society, and as a liaison between the community and the Episcopal Church USA. The Bishop Protector is elected to a term of six years, and may serve an unlimited number of terms

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+ May our holy father Francis pray to the Lord that we may have the grace to observe the Gospel with greater devotion.  Amen.

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