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"The brothers and sisters seek to serve their Master by the life of devotion, by sacred study and by works. In the life of the community as a whole all three of these must find full and balanced expression . . . room must be found in the lives of all for at least some measure or each of these three employments.

The Principles Day 13L


Sometimes, Religious Orders are categorized as being either "Active" or "Contemplative."  Like many Franciscan orders, we try to live a "middle way" life, balanced between the life of Contemplation and the life of Action.  Our own Principles describe this in terms of three ways of service:

Clark Eucharist 1.jpg

The pattern of our life is built around the daily "offices" or prayer services that we share together:  Morning, Midday, Evening, and Night Prayer.  Whenever possible, we share in the Eucharist together daily as well.  Our life includes times of silence, daily private prayer and meditation, and community quiet days, retreats, and opportunities for reflection.


The other side of our contemplative life consists of dedicated time for study of the Scriptures, spiritual writings, and various other disciplines of interest to each individual Brother.  Novices in particular engage in regular group study of the Bible, Theology, Francis, and Franciscanism, but ongoing learning (whether formal or informal) is never ending for us all.

St. Anthiony's #2.jpg

Since the time of St. Francis himself, Franciscans have lived lives of service to the poor and marginalized.  While some of our houses are dedicated to a specific work, each Brother is also encouraged to find ministries that suit his particular gifts and passions.  Brothers engage in charitable work, direct service, advocacy and activism, often in partnership with other agencies, parishes, or charities.  Those we serve alongside are often populations neglected by others:  the poor,  homeless, at risk youth, elderly, disabled,  mentally ill, dying, ethnic, racial, religious or sexual minorities.  We seek to be the incarnate presence of Christ in our communities.



Schedules vary from house to house and Brother to Brother, but an ordinary day might look something like this:




DIY at time best for you


8:00 AM

Meditation followed by Morning Prayer at 8:30, concluding with a short planning meeting for the day ahead.


9:00 AM-12:00

Brothers get busy; going out for ministry, catching up on studies or household tasks.


12:00 noon

Midday Prayer.

Lunch DIY


1:00-5:45 PM 

Daily activities as in the morning, including preparation for the Community dinner.


6:00 PM

Evening Prayer followed by Holy Eucharist and dinner together.


7:00 PM

Night Prayer 

Evenings free for study, relaxation or other activities.


Weekends are different!​

From Friday afternoon until Monday morning, each Brother says the Offices privately. Evening meals are prepared, but may be eaten at any time. The Community Sabbath time (i.e. free day) is from Friday evening until Sunday morning. Sundays, the Brothers seek to support the work of the diocese. We attend church services in various parishes around the city and offer various ministries in those parishes. Sunday activities can extend into the early evening.​​


+ May our holy father Francis pray to the Lord that we may have the grace to observe the Gospel with greater devotion.  Amen.

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